(RMC) Re: [AP-UTILS] ap-utils on macosx
Richard McDougall
Fri, 06 Sep 2002 11:24:10 -0700
I believe this is an issue on all big-endian machines, including
Solaris. I'll start to investigate what the issues are on both (there
seems to be something up with the snmp write commands swapping bytes for
configuration changes). Is anyone else on the list planning or already
looking at these issues?
Roman Festchook wrote:
> On ๐ัิ 06 ๗ลา 2002 11:07, Richard McDougall wrote:
>>Hi Roman,
>>I've been looking at ap-utils on Macos-X. It seems there may be an
>>endian issue. I added "Power Macintosh" to the uname -m check in
>>configure, and built the package with AP_BIG_ENDIAN set, and this fixed
>>the reporting of statistics from the access point. However, the
>>configuration options seem to also have an endian issue. If I set the IP
>>address to it is read back as There doesn't
>>seem to be any swap4 macros in the configuration code.
>>Do you know if big-endian has ever been fully tested, and if there are
>>any known issues as I'm seeing?
> No big-endian not fully tested because I dosnt have such computers. In the
> latest tarball at
> http://ap-utils.polesye.net/files/ap-utils-1.0.5-020906.tar.bz2 I fix ip
> address displaying in both utilitest, please test, also please test
> FragmentationTreshold and RTSTreshold values on your computer. Also "Power
> Macintosh" now define AP_BIG_ENDIAN in configure script.