[ap-utils] linksys WAP11 huge errors report

Net Llama! ap-utils@kiev.iorta.com
Wed, 8 Jan 2003 10:43:08 -0500 (EST)

Just taking a wild stab in the dark, but what's your signal strength
quality like on the clientside?  Perhaps there's a lot of interference?

On Wed, 8 Jan 2003, Nikolay Datchev wrote:

> Hello there,
> First, thanks for writing so cool and useful software.
> The ap-config utility shows me a huge number of TX errors in
> Info->Wireless section. I know only that FCSError is Frame Check Sequence
> fail, but InvalidPLCP is mistery for me. They both increase with huge
> speed - FCS errors with about 1/10 of all tx'ed packets, PLCP about 1/100.
> ACKFailures are also huge number - about 3*FCSerrors. Is it normal to have
> such number of errors ? Wireless link is built like this: Two WAP11's in
> pointopoint mode, with power set to 128 for used channel, all speeds set
> to 'on' with auto-rate-fallback, distance is about 3.5 kilometers,
> antennas used are satellite dishes with about 1.5m diameters, one antenna
> port for tx/rx. Used coax cable is short enough and quality enough (i
> guess).
> Performance of this link gets down day by day, i can see pings > 300, the
> load is 256-512 Kbps and 200-300 packets/sec.
> Is it normal to have such number of errors, if no, please give me a start
> point to find the problem; i'm really sick of this.
> Really sorry if this is the wrong maillist for such questions, (i guess it
> is, but i believe guys posting here are really experienced in wireless
> networks). Thanks a lot in advance.
> -- Nikolay Datchev
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Lonni J Friedman				netllama@linux-sxs.org
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