[AP-UTILS] ap-utils on macosx

Richard McDougall ap-utils@kiev.iorta.com
Fri, 06 Sep 2002 01:07:41 -0700

Hi Roman,

I've been looking at ap-utils on Macos-X. It seems there may be an 
endian issue. I added "Power Macintosh" to the uname -m check in 
configure, and built the package with AP_BIG_ENDIAN set, and this fixed 
the reporting of statistics from the access point. However, the 
configuration options seem to also have an endian issue. If I set the IP 
address to it is read back as There doesn't 
seem to be any swap4 macros in the configuration code.

Do you know if big-endian has ever been  fully tested, and if there are 
any known issues as I'm seeing?

Thanks for any help,
