[AP-UTILS] option to bind to specific interface for trapd

Roman Festchook ap-utils@kiev.iorta.com
Thu, 30 May 2002 14:06:23 +0300

On þÅÔ 30 ôÒÁ 2002 01:16, Christian Lambert wrote:
> I thought it would be nice to have an option to bind listening
> for traps (port 162) on a specific interface rather than INADDR_ANY
> for the socket.    I'm thinking of running the trapd on my linux NAT
> box, so I don't want it to be listening on all interfaces for traps.
> Right now I just replaced it directly in the source code, but I thought
> it would be easy to implement something like "-i <interface>".
> My .02
Ok, I add this option in the next release.

Roman Festchook
Network Engineer